Thanks for SoapStandle your soap will no longer do that. This homemade DIY hand soap recipe does work and we use it all the time. How to Thicken Liquid Soap | Homemade or Store bought! I do not recommend using Dove as it is really not soap and will not thicken. Aside from natural bar soap being environmentally friendlier than liquid soap, it is also more economical! Homemade liquid hand soap is one of the simplest natural recipes you can make. I’m a firm believer in … Because the soap is high in glycerin, it will attract water, which will show up as small droplets on the surface of the soap. Aging. I recently shared how I make my own liquid soap from scratch. Three years ago, trying to find a way to have liquid soap without the plastic bottle, I discovered that you can’t actually make real liquid soap from a solid soap bar. I would let the soap sit for a day or two to see if it reabsorbs the liquid. In my house, my 9-year-old daughter Anusheh is the resident slime expert, which is why my bathroom has been taken over by slime-filled Tupperware, glues, and detergents. Pretty cool, right? My question is, do I still have to let it cure 4-6 before trying to turn into liquid? A message board community for soap making, candle making and other crafts and do it yourself projects Why can't I rinse the soap off my hands? You can either make all-natural liquid soap from scratch or stretch a single bar of soap into a few bottles of liquid suds using a quick DIY process. Buy a Foaming Hand Soap Dispenser. I recently shared how I make my own liquid soap from scratch. However, every darn time I take a bath, the bar of soap slips from my hand, and then I have to chase it around the tub. And like Cathy said always check with a lye calculator when changing a recipe. Sudsy liquid soap produces a lather that is attributed to the type and amount of oil you use in the recipe. Fortunately, it is possible to reduce waste (plastic container), and reduce our carbon footprint (stop shipping water), by making liquid soap from bar soap. It’s a liquid salt that’s added to cooled lye water. I wrote a post on Homemade Liquid Hand Soap and have had some people ask questions because it did not turn out quite right. The moral of the story: if you want liquid soap, just buy liquid soap. The terms "soft water" and "hard water" are important here. So I was looking for a way to use them up and found that lots of people were making liquid hand soap from bar soap. In fact, it really doesn’t even need a recipe, but I’ll give you one. Hand Soap Slime! I tried plain liquid castile soap, which left a tangled mess, and I tried a bunch of homemade recipes that didn’t work well at all. Real liquid soap is a different creature than bar soap. Answered. After going homemade, it’s almost impossible to go back. And we calculated it the same way as you’d run the bar soap through SoapCalc, only selecting KOH instead of NaOH, complete with a 5% superfat. And this thicker form clogged up my soap dispensers so badly I had to soak them in hot water to get it out. Making your own liquid soap is an effective way to save money, as well as saves you a trip to the store every time your soap runs out. 7 answers Brenda Brandt Deason. Thanks, Cindy. It may clean your hands and you may have fun with the hand soap no glue slime! Answered. This seems to happen about 2-3 weeks after adding more salt, lasts a week or so & then sliminess is gone. Most recipes have a slimy consistency and do not lather well at all. I used to grate up my bars that I'd made with Sodium Hydroxide and melt them in water, but it never becomes a smooth, liquid soap for me. This site has been a HUGE help in my soap learning process! I would like to know however if this could be done with a medicated soap without messing up with the original composition of the soap. It also helps bring the pH back down. Receive the latest and greatest by subscribing to our newsletter. I really love making slime and when you add hand soap to the mixture it’s awesome since there is no glue. Think of all the plastic containers clogging our landfills. Separation Into Soap Chunks and Oil Dry soap means no slimy mess on the bottom! I had the honor of becoming a step-parent when I got married and have a great relationship with my step-son. The homemade liquid hand soap was a disappointing experience for me. I started my soaping adventures when I was young (ah, sweet 16), and have learned that not everything turns out perfectly the first time. Hey welcome back to my channel today we are making a No Glue Hand Soap Slime DIY (Making No Glue Slime)! Second, the ions in softened water lessen its ability to stick to the soap molecules, making it more difficult to … Soap has weird orange or brown spots on it and/or smells bad. I felt that the soap was watered down too much. Sometimes when making liquid soap, your mixture can fluff up during the process. Soap feels slimy. Stop Soap From Slipping Away and Getting Slimy To be honest, I never used bar soap until I switched to all natural. Before making this or any other soap, ensure that you have all your safety equipment ready, especially gloves, eye protection and ventilation. I used powder dye, and scents that werent exclusively made for soap, but would work. Many of them are from body washes. I find that my 100% olive oil soap works pretty well. This happens in humid conditions. They just sat in my drawers. So I thought why not give it a try. How to Thicken Liquid Soap | Homemade or Store bought! This diy homemade liquid hand soap recipe will save you money by replacing the more expensive softsoap refills plus it is fun to make! Today I am going to share how to thicken liquid soap. Sometimes the discoloration of your soap bar just doesn’t match the aroma and there may seem like there is nothing you can do to stop it. part of soaping. How the liquid soap turns out is dependent on how the bar of soap used for it is made. The moral of the story: if you want liquid soap, just buy liquid soap. Then the soap cooled and hardened into a texture that is exactly the consistency of wet snot. I use Potassium Hydroxide to make liquid soap. When I take a shower, I want to feel as if all of the soap, body oils, and grime will come off my body immediately. This is a great idea if your soap turns out too thin as you add water to soap to help with the foaming. Making liquid soap from a bar is a simple life hack that takes substantially less time and uses fewer tools and ingredients than it does to make a scratch recipe. Although it didn’t work as hand soap, I put the “snotty” soap in jars and use it the shower. After my 4th batch, I noticed the same thing: the kraut itself is crispy and tasty, but the liquid is like okra, mucilaginous. Although the droplets are a sign of a high-quality soap, they can cause the oils in the soap to go rancid faster than normal. When cutting up soap after popping it out of the mold or while cutting it for hand-milled soap, there is a clear liquid present. I do like the convenience of liquid soap, and don’t want to pay for it at the store, especially considering I don’t really like the product you’ll get there. Too much lye in formula. I’ve experimented at length with making liquid soap from bar soap (because I really didn’t want to have to make liquid soap from scratch either). We are also parents to 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 hamsters, and a snake. In fact, it really doesn’t even need a recipe, but I’ll give you one. Stop Soap From Slipping Away and Getting Slimy To be honest, I never used bar soap until I switched to all natural. Why is my homemade natural liquid soap not sudsing in water? To be honest, I never used bar soap until I switched to all natural. Cold process soap. As for liquid castile soap, I haven’t done a lot of liquid soap recipes. So I am going to address a few common problems and how to fix them. It doesn’t matter how much water you shake from it, there will always be some on the bar. In summation, most store-bought bar soaps can leave a sticky film on the skin, which can make it feel slimy, rough and dry. I have tried other bar soap but I prefer the Fels Naptha by far, it smells and cleans better. Add the 2 T. of glycerine and the grated soap … This homemade DIY hand soap recipe does work and we use it all the time. To get rid of soap sweat, you could try remelting your soap in the microwave or double boiler (be sure not to over heat), and pour it back into molds again. Sometimes fragrance oils can ooze or bead out from a soap. Adding glycerin helps bind the soap to water, so you can use more water, and thus make more liquid soap. Besides, I’ve found an embarrassingly simple way to make my own liquid castile soap, which doubles as shampoo. Every site I have read about slimy soft water talks about after using soap in some way. Solid soap, when liquified, leaves streaks and blobs. When I run my hand under my ‘soft’ water without any form of soap it feels SLIMY. Tired of chasing soap around the tub or shower? The soap suddenly separated into an applesauce-like texture, with chunks of soap-like bits floating in oil. Liquid Hand Soap. It’s just an inherent (and disappointing!) Here is my recipe for both batches. It will help keep that slippery bar from shooting out of your hands. If … With only a few ingredients, you can make sudsy liquid soap in the convenience of your home. We started off by using almost all the same ingredients as my all-in-one bar.The only ingredient that was ditched was the beef tallow (no need for a hardening fat here) and the clay (to start with, at least). I wrote a post on Homemade Liquid Hand Soap and have had some people ask questions because it did not turn out quite right. My life is a constant journey and I look forward to sharing it with you all. Your email address will not be published. Help With Homemade Laundry Soap. What did i do wrong? Soap dries my skin out. Its pretty hard and normal, but when I put it in the water, it oozes a slimy, kinda sticky gel thats so hard to wash off. It makes her really soft. on Jul 7, 2017. Homemade hand soap is a bit different in consistency (watery) from the orange thick soap my dad regularly squirted on my … Homemade soap will often sweat after curing for several days. You simply push the teeth into your bar of soap, that’s it. So if you switch to a bar, you’re eliminating another plastic bottle from the dump. Otherwise you would just let your soap dry out a bit, but it will have a texture on the surface left over from the glycerin dew. 19.2oz Canola Oil 12.8oz Olive Oil 4.037 Lye. Didn’t know if thats what it is suppose to do or what. First I shared how to make a liquid castile soap using olive oil as the only oil.. Then I shared how to make a coconut oil liquid soap.. Once we got finished with the recipes, you should have ended up with a thick, putty like, soap paste that needs to be diluted to make a liquid soap. Homemade hand soap is a bit different in consistency (watery) from the orange thick soap my dad regularly squirted on my hands, but it does the job just the same, if not better. It’s designed to let air flow through to the bottom of your bar so it can dry completely. Homemade natural soaps clean and nourish your skin, but they generally do not create the same quality or amount of suds that commercial soaps do, particularly once diluted in water. After going homemade, it’s almost impossible to go back. However, every darn time I take a bath, the bar of soap slips from my hand, and then I have … I still can’t prove I know what happened, but, I think it was a combination of two things. I do like the convenience of liquid soap, and don’t want to pay for it at the store, especially considering I don’t really like the product you’ll get there. I have since had a few question, most have to do with the viscosity. However I use the full bar of Fels Naptha and 1/2 cup of Borax to three gallons of water plus about 6 cups I use to boil the bar soap. I always used coupons and shopped for bargains but was forced to step up my game when my husband was disabled in 2005. Sometimes it solidifies more than others and other times it is more slimy. As for the question about which oils to use. So I thought why not give it a try. This happens in humid conditions. This accounts for the cost of the oils and lye needed. If I make my soap with Potassium Hydroxide however, I only need to dilute it with water, simmer it on the stove for a bit, and then I have nice, liquid soap. If I use sodium lactate, I can sometimes unmold my soap the next day. First, soap lathers better in soft water than in hard water, so it's easy to use too much. This might have something to do with overheating as well. I have the same problem, apparently, I added too much water (even though I followed the directions). If you have hard water, this can be part of the problem, as the minerals in the water combine with the chemicals in the soap to form an insoluble residue that is hard to rinse off. If these fixes don’t work, I ask that you don’t give up but try again by implementing what you have learned. The secret is to discover tried and true DIY projects that really work. You can try and cut up the soap with gloves on and wash away the excess lye however it would be safer to discard the bars and start again. Why does my homemade liquid soap keep separating? Because the soap is high in glycerin, it will attract water, which will show up as small droplets on the surface of the soap. I know the mucous texture would not go over well with my family. Update: As promised here’s my liquid soap recipe and method. Did you know that using bar soap is better for our planet? The more dissolved soap there is, the more water you need to rinse it away. Besides, I’ve found an embarrassingly simple way to make my own liquid castile soap… This is the cure time when excess water will evaporate out of the soap. White glue will simply be slimier while clear glue will be just right. Answer + 6. Major soap making mistake. The Soap Making Forum. I wish you the best on your quest to fix your Homemade Liquid Hand Soap. Sometimes despite your best efforts during a soaping session, you’ll get batches that just don’t quite turn out right. 4 - 6 weeks. How to dilute a liquid soap paste. I have a nifty item that will stop soap from slipping away and from getting slimy. Soap should be air dried, not touching each other, on a shelf in a cool, dry location for approx. Liquid Hand Soap Recipe . (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[5]='HOMEPAGE';ftypes[5]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Real Advice Gal by Madame Deals, Inc. Privacy Policy, Use common table salt (start with 1/2 cup and add slowly till your soap is the consistency you desire), Use a hand mixer and blend until it is smooth, Thin out with hot water (add slowly mixing it till it is the right consistency). The homemade liquid hand soap was a disappointing experience for me. If you have ever purchased liquid Castile soap, you will notice that they can be on the thin side. SoapStandle isn’t a soap dish, but it is for your soap! Every site I have read about slimy soft water talks about after using soap in some way. Homemade soap, in contrast, is about $7 per loaf to make. Put one grated bar into a large pot and fill the pot with water. Bring the pot to a boil, mixing the soap until it all dissolves. It’s awesome, and you’re going to love it. This can vary wildly, but I calculated the cost of one of my favorite recipes, which includes a good amount of more expensive oils and butters. Not anymore thanks to SoapStandle. Most liquid soap is really detergent: sodium laurel sulphate or sodium laureth sulphate. This seems to happen about 2-3 weeks after adding more salt, lasts a week or so & then sliminess is gone. If you use bar soap, you know how it gets slimy and gooey, wherever it touches the soap dish. In a liquid soap, I’ve found it doesn’t make that much of a difference. Grate your bar soap into really small pieces. A good starting place with a week-old batch of soap would be about 2 or 3 ounces of liquid per pound of grated soap. Your blending trick didn't help, but the salt worked wonders! Filed Under: Christmas, For The Home, Holidays, Reviews Tagged With: #hgg, 2017 holiday gift guide, For The Home, SoapStandle, Your email address will not be published. Liquid soap is 60-90% water! Thanks for your lovely comment! Making soap can be really tricky. Robyn used an 8 oz. I love this liquid laundry soap! i made the homemade laundry soap recipe that you gave an it says will make a thick jell. My husband suggested we add a little clear liquid … Then I started to make my own, and I never turned back. If I want to save money on hand soap, I’m going to stick with my Homemade Foaming Dish Soap and Hand Soap that uses a similar strategy of watering down liquid dish soap, but the foaming dispenser gives you nice sudsy lather. THIS SLIMINESS HdAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SOAP! I’ve long been intrigued by the idea of homemade liquid soap, but the description in the post above does not sound appealing. Safe soap is generally somewhere between 6-10. All you need to do is add a few drops of water to your soap and rub your ph paper across the soap. January 1, 2018 at 10:29 am. So I was looking for a way to use them up and found that lots of people were making liquid hand soap from bar soap. I have a nifty item that will stop soap from slipping away and from getting slimy. Or did you buy it from someone who needs to adjust their recipe? So I am going to address a few common problems and how to fix them. Thanks for the good work. How to Fix Homemade Liquid Hand Soap . bar of soap, grated (or more - I'll explain below) 2 T. liquid glycerine 1 gallon water favorite essential oil (optional) Place the water in a large pot and begin to heat it on medium-high. I have a ton of little hotel bar soaps since my husband travels for work (and feels compelled to bring them & shower caps home)! Why does my homemade liquid soap keep separating? Taking up room. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a66315547a7101abd1420a96431ef66c" );document.getElementById("g754f6ab3a").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Please allow me to provide you with details. Elizabeth Michels Pinizzotto. Liquid Hand Soap. Then I started to make my own, and I never turned back. Learn how your comment data is processed. Then you lay it in the dish, and it slides down and congeals your soap. I get an incredible rush from saving money and finding great deals. I think that’s why my soap is very soft and sticky. Explain the Slimy Feeling With Soft Water Question: Dear Mr. Timmons, You may have received questions similar to the one that I will pose to you from others, but I am quite confused as to what I have read on the internet. My problem with this batch of 3 quarts (mason jars with airlocks on each) was the brine covered the kraut, but when the cabbage floated upwards in the jar, the brine did not fully cover the kraut any longer, but I didn't catch it until 2 weeks into the 4 week process. Poor stirring method. It's awesome, and you're going to love it. Soft water doesn't create soap scum which is why some people prefer it over hard water to keep their bathtubs and appliances cleaner. Both make a fun slime but I do try to gear my recipes towards using clear glue. I would just recommend spraying it with alcohol when you’re diluting it and making sure to use a large pot to give it room. Here's what (and, perhaps, why) happened: I had made liquid soap using my homemade bar I have since had a few question, most have to do with the viscosity. Homemade liquid hand soap is one of the simplest natural recipes you can make. My father-in-law lives with us so it is always non-stop at our house. Mar 14, 2020 - I started making my liquid soap from bar soap, however I did not like the slimy-gelly-like consistency it had at the end. Check out our other Homemade/DIY projects: Hi I’m Gwendolyn and I have been a stay at home mom since 2009. Homemade soap will often sweat after curing for several days. bar of Mrs. Meyer's and it got very thick after sitting. So in all, I guess I used about 16 oz., not 8 oz. That’s why it’s important that your mixture only fills up half the pot to give it lots of room. In soft water, these are replaced with concentrations of sodium or potassium ions. I prefer to store my soap in cardboard boxes and do not place scented cotton balls into the box with the soap. Then I started to make my own, and I never turned back. And the reason is that liquid and solid soaps have different chemistries. 7 answers . Depending on how long a bar of soap lasts you, you could be keeping more than one bottle from the landfill at a time. Liquid soap allows you to add your fragrance or essential oils after the cook and so the fragrance remains true and strong. Liquid soap requires Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) rather than Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). I have been with my husband, James, for 10 years and we are proud parents of Jayme (8) and Nicholas (13). And if I put my hand into it, the liquid … Water discount your soap anywhere from 5-20%. Add 1 TBSP  Glycerinwhen making to help dry hands. The liquid soap I made turned out way yucky, even after waiting 48+ hours for it to "gel up." Per loaf to make my own, and you ’ re going to address few... 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