3.9 out of 5 stars with 67 reviews. Infos nutritionnelles du/de la maxwell house-master-blend. Yesterday I woke up made a pot of Folgers coffee and felt slightly nauseous after drinking it. The last two jars of Maxwell House coffee I used foamed when I put it in hot water. I'm glad to see I am not the only one that has an issue with maxwell house. However, after cleaning the pot, it was no better. Its something bad in that coffee. !This is the second time they've done this and I'll find something else before being stung by these gougers, again!! it's a morning ritual of frowns and complaining, sticking out our tongues, complaining, thinking we'd lost our taste buds and finally started sneaking my old ma's instant taster's choice from time to time and even adding it to our MH water, lol. Maxwell house was exactly the same. I've tried a couple times to go back to it, but it not the old great taste. I bought a can and the next morning I awoke to the most amazing smell I had ever encountered for a pot of coffee. It’s bitter. After patrons )Anyway, if you no longer like the Maxwell House coffee, there are hundreds of other coffees available in stores and online.If you want to check out some Robusta blends, to see if that is the taste you are missing, look out for Italian coffees in your local stores and read the packaging. I think there is an opening here for a maker that doesn't add plastic to your brew. I thought I was crazy too. I have been enjoying the flavored ground Maxwell House coffees (Hazelnut and French Vanilla) for well over a decade, and I notice now that neither tastes like the flavors they're supposed to and the coffee smells and tastes nasty. Review 4 MAXWELL HOUSE Master Blend Coffee Light Roast Cup Pods 12 Ct 48 Total 043000060056. I bought Folgers half caff because I thought it would be better than all of the caffeine in Starbucks. I am going to research brands that do not poison their yield. Because it is certified Organic it is less likely to have chemical contamination. I have suffered day and night for over a year with no help. I threw it out and another time when it happened, I checked the can and I could see something tiny moving around in it. Melitta Cone Coffee Filters White No. I stopped using it. 4.5 out of 5 stars with 158 reviews. But about a year ago I started getting heartburn. I thought it was just me. My face has become tingly and on the brink of going numb. Wtf is in that jar?! Every time I drink this coffee now I get sick to my stomach!! Best to buy only "100% Arabica Coffee" beans! Let them know. 2 offers from CDN$41.28. I just moved however and am really tight on money so I dug out my old can of Folgers from the kitchen stuff. do not waste your money. I have no clue why this is happening, but I will be trashing my coffee and buying the less expensive espresso blend I love oh so much. Maxwell House... in the garbage! I will never drink this stuff again. I have 6 recently purchased 1 kilo tins that will be given to the food bank and we will source out a new brand! I had noticed a change in the taste of Maxwell House Coffee to. So I bought another box. For the past few weeks, my coffee has been tasting just awful. Had to take a second one to open my airways back up more. I need to eat regularly to keep my blood sugar levels at their optimum. Even the off brands. Discover MAX by Maxwell House, and choose customizable caffeine with Boost or find your reward with Indulge. Even had my wbc tested to see if it were elevated. I would get an intense tightening around the back of my neck and head, feel feverish, and break out in a sweat on my upper lip. Early morning golfers, midday meeting-makers and late-night studiers. No reply. I thought it was probably JUST ME, but it is clear this isn't the case. Instead of a good coffee smell in the house, it filled my house with the unclean smell of vomit. My opinion: I think those companies started 'diluting' their grounds suttley over time so consumers wouldn't be able to taste the difference---over 3-5 yrs & one can become used to what something taste like. My wife and I have always enjoyed Maxwell House Master blend coffee. Blechhhh. Once coffee is ground it begins to loose its flavor almost immediately even if it's vacuumed packed. I've been getting headaches to, I thought it was because I was having caffeine withdrawals. Haven't bought Maxwell house in a while Tastes and smells like crap Says on the can pure coffee, whatever that means. Never MH again, ever!!!! A real shame. I wondered why the price went way down, now I know! No one is quite the same before they have that first cup of coffee, and K-Cup coffee makes it quick and easy to clear the cobwebs of sleep and get your day rolling. Same here I've been so sick every time i drink folgers. For years I have been drinking Folgers Classic roast from Costco. The next day I decide to go to Jewel and purchase 1 jar. I had been vomiting every morning. Frequently on sale for $6-7 bucks. I drink Maxwell House International french vanilla cafe every morning with peanut butter toast for years. No more Folgers or Maxwell House for me either. Where would I report this problem, I think there is something really wrong. I recently changed the brand of my coffee;I consume about 2 cups every morning before work to get some energy,but,since I changed the brands,I noticed that I feel unusually sleepy,sluggish and tired,to the point that I feel a need to take a nap immediately.I realized that it the new brand of coffee that I am using,that is causing these unusual symptoms.Coffee bean has an outer core and a center,manufactures mostly use the outer part of the coffee bean,that contains caffeine,whereas the center contains theobromine,which has sedative properties if consumed in sufficient amounts.It is much cheaper for the manufacturer to use the center part of the coffee bean and to market outer layer as more expensive ground coffee.This explains why some cheap coffee brands makes you feel drowsy 15 mins after consumption,once the small amount of caffeine wears off and theobromine kicks in.Buy high quality coffee and it will solve your problem with sleepinees after coffee consumption! I purchased at the same store I always do. Have you stop making it. ( mild) ifound it at (ferris coffee an nut) its on the web. Over the next few years, the two worked on finding the perfect blend, and in 1892 Cheek approached the food buyer for the Maxwell House Hotel and gave him 20 pounds of his special blend for free. I started to think that maybe they were adding a flavor enhancer, like MSG. I have a keurig and quit buying canned coffee. Over the past 6 months both my wife and I have noticed our Maxwell House coffee has become weaker. We thought we had colds and sinus infections, but now wonder if the Reduced Caffeine Maxwell House and Folgers coffees do contain a fungus or insecticides, since we tried new containers of both. No longer can you find the coffee isle just by that delightful smell...coffee aroma is gone. Just like oil, tobacco, and alcohol they will always deny the facts. What's most important above all is for YOU to get what YOU LIKE as a finished result in YOUR CUP. This morning I realized "I haven't felt like this since that can of Nabob coffee I bought years ago". Many who have no local source order coffee online—fresh roasted just prior to shipping. Good taste. I normally drink starbucks house blend and grind the beans but decided to try something new and got a bag of this Folgers Vanilla biscotti flavored coffee. I’ve been drinking Folgers Classic roast medium coffee for awhile, I can’t drink a lot of caffeine or I’m super wired so I only drink it occasionally. This light roast coffee is exceptionally smooth with a mellow flavor and is the perfect start to your day. Not happy. I brewed the coffee like normal expecting that great coffee taste. this has happened pretty suddenly. This article is about the coffee brand. Been drinking Maxwell coffee for about40 years, all of a sudden it start tasting bad, and the next thing you know they come out with a new line master blend light & medium, and they did a way with the old master blend, far as I'm concerned, the new stuff taste like water down coffee,horrible. I'm a person who has drank 3 cups of coffee a day with no ill effects, but one glass of MH and I'm getting extreme coffee jitters. It tasted like chemicals. I realize in these tough times things change. It tasted terrible and real bitter. I wonder what is wrong with it? Bought a new coffee maker....no better!! More than a month ago I started noticing a foul taste/smell coming from my coffee. Double check where it comes from and where it was packed. Went to a GI doc who ran tests and said I had H. Pylori. I quit drinking beer as well, a year ago. Still horrible. I don't know what Maxwell house did - there is an article from 2007 online saying they were removing the Robusta beans, but as bitter as it is, I can't believe that. They all taste bad, some worse than others. Awful coffee! i bought my own coffee maker for the truck. I did write to Maxwell House and have not heard back. A once great coffee now so nasty i want my money back. That being said, all coffee makers are from outside the US and it takes a long time lots of pots of water before they stop leaching plastic into your coffee. Lately the taste is bitter like a chemical additive in the coffee. NEVER again EVER will i buy Maxwell House. Well I mentioned this all to my dr. and he said it's not the brand that cured you it was the break you took to give your intestines a rest. I switched from Folgers to M/H because on a vacation Folgers wasn't available.I realized that my chronic migraine and the burning feeling under my skin had gone by day 3. Sadly, I find Folgers instant to br just as weak. I bought a can the other day and when I got home only then did I notice that it was lite. bag. Nothing, no nasuea, no stomache ache or headache. It's a shame because I thought their French Roast was pretty good for the money. In 2009, Maxwell House ran a commercial featuring Roosevelt repriser Joe Wiegand, who tells the "Last Drop" story.[6]. We were re-poisonings ourselves every morning when we drank it.I read on line that Mc Danials coffee is folgers. instant that had sat in my cupboard for some time. Maxwell House was the long-time sponsor of the early television series Mama, based on the play and film I Remember Mama. I have had diarrhea after drinking one glass of the coffee along with headaches and a dizzy feeling. It helped me figure out why I've been sick for since last Thanksgiving or so. My coffee pot is clean. PLEASE go to the FDA site and file a complaint. Something has changed but all for good in my opinion. It tasted fine but a few hours later I wasn’t feeling well. This is the coffee brand I would always buy and enjoy. I have always drank Maxwell house coffee but lately its tasted real weak. I literally wondered if the can I got was somehow contaminated with some-whatever-thing gross and/or poisonous and that's why I started googling to find if this is actually the normal maxwell house flavor. I've had 100% Columbian, French Roast, a lot. Sure enough I got sick the first day, and I got sick today! I have been having horrific stomach pains/ issues the past couple weeks along with more headaches than usual. I stopped drinking it and felt fine drinking coffee. Back to the MH: I don't get headaches, or hives and have a cast iron gut so I doubt it will disable me too bad. I can't believe this is happening to so many people. I really do think it could be Agent Orange or other pesticide. I ended up doing a google search only to discover this page and find that it’s not only me. How would you rate this product? I first decided it was the peanut butter even through it was smooth peanut butter, I decided I might have become allergic to peanuts. Lately something different is happening. I buy great fresh roasted beans from a small local roaster---they are popping up everywhere or you can buy online. Although this method, too, has been eclipsed, the Max-Pax concept was subsequently adapted as Maxwell House Filter Packs, first marketed by this name in 1989, for use in automatic coffee makers. To me, this is a major red flag issue. It may be a little higher in price but takes less coffee to make a pot. I've been buying only whole bean coffee for some time now if for no other reason but to have "fresh" ground coffee right at the time of brewing. We bought a big container from a big box warehouse to save some money. I actually have the scars from the blisters. I thought I was going crazy! Cheaper beans but higher prices......not sure what it is. It is my opinion that this MH is full of really bad chemicals. STAY AWAY!!! I've been drinking Maxwell Lite for years and the taste was so good no one could tell it was half-caff! He said the taste it’s like brunt horrible. Our office just replaced our coffee with the maxwell house...i thought oh great now we have gone cheaper, turns out, it tastes just like Postum which is a coffee like substance made with wheat, bran and molasses. It is gross and no longer good to the last drop. Start your review of Maxwell House House Blend Ground Coffee! The last few cans I have purchased have a very different taste. I bought another from a 3rd. Maxwell Coffee DOES NOT taste like coffee...it has a horrible taste...it so sickening. There is definitely something wrong here. You're simply parroting the standard government-media BS. Keep doing what you're doing MH! Next morning the samething happened after half a cup. i did and it tasted like dirty dish water, tasteless and just plain ol' aweful. Later, Maxwell House distanced itself from its original claim, admitting that the slogan was written by Clifford Spiller, former president of General Foods Corporation, and did not come from a Roosevelt remark overheard by Cheek-Neal. The veracity of the Roosevelt connection to the phrase has never been historically established. I have photos, do not know how to post them, but.... Our experience has been that every once in a while. This new stuff tastes very lite and watered down. I noticed a stronger, bitter flavor in the last 2 cans. Recently I have been having stomach problems specifically after i have my toast and coffee. I've drank Folgers and have loved it for years..usually I drink it black but for over 6 months it needs creamer at times to make it flavorable..I (like many others) have been suffering severe migraines- any headache for me is abnormal..so this month I bought this different. Stay away from MH, Folgers, etc. I'm freaking out because I know that taste issues can be an early sign of dementia. Well, I have been having really bad migraines, and when I get to work all the sudden I start getting the jitters, feeling like I'm going to fall , unsteady . Maxwell House Ground Coffee Canister, Wake Up Roast, 30.65 Ounce 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,277. Going to contact company! First few sips were fine but the sip following had me coughing and gagging and eventually vomiting. It was disgusting. Started to suspect the coffee this morning. Thought you would like to know. Thank God I had allergy medicine or I might not even be alive to write them. Thanks DONT BUY THIS COFFEE. I've drunk it up already. Remember when it brewed and you could smell it all over the house? Starbucks is loaded with God knows what and people are addicted. I don't know what these companies did to change what's in those cans but it's not the ground coffee it once was AND this includes all coffee suppliers to fast food and most other restaurants. It always seemed to create a pungent aroma whenever someone was brewing a pot--and, in those days, it was a boiling, roiling, and perculating experience that raised an aroma I can only say resembled that of a wet horse or dog. very very bitter and hot. I thought it was just me i noticed a different taste n not a good one but i had a cold n thought it had somthing to do with it but cold is gone n i still have the strange tast so i cleaned out coffee pot thinking it would go away but no still have it ill be watching now to see whats going on thanks for sharing strange brew in Florida, I drank Maxwell House for three days and got savear. I have been using Maxwell House Gourmet for several years and have not had any problems. My face has completely cleared except for some scarring. Only ships with $35 orders. I contacted Kraft and asked them for a yes or no answer as to whether they changed something. If you want to get a wake up coffee do not buy mild or strong coffee. MH gave me a $4 coupon that expired in a month. I used rich original, but now the bag or can says Arabica beans. Maxwell House, Kraft's biggest coffee brand in the United States, will be made of 100 percent arabica beans starting this autumn, with the exception of its instant coffee and Master Blend… I have had a problem with both Maxwell House and Folgers along with the cheap coffee that they make at the chain fast food restaurants such as McDonald's, Bojangles, Burger King. ...but not on the other days. Very strange. Needless to say, I will not be drinking it again. Maxwell House … After much research I starting buying only fresh roasted beans with a "Roasted on" date (NOT stuff marked with Best By dates OR Exp dates), grinding fresh just prior to brewing and brewing at 195-205 degrees for proper extraction. This last time was from Yuban which I had several of the symptoms all together and barely getting past it now!I think I am just going to stop drinking coffee all together after this because I thought I was going to die! We live in the country and are on a well. I have had my last nasty cup. Nasty. I suspected the coffee, but wanting to be sure, I tried it again today. After opening the sealed container, it did not smell right. The Original blend of MH ( back in the day!) It made no difference. That good coffee smell is gone also. I went to the store today and saw a whole new display of MH that says Everyday Roast (or Blend can't remember which).It has a very plain label. Awful stomach aches, nausea, awful acid reflux. It might surprise you that, recently, original Maxwell House canister coffee placed number one on the CR taste tests. I don't plan on ever purchasing another product made by MH. Reviews. All I want is a good cup of coffee . . I thought the different smell was just my senses, and getting older. Not sure what they changed, but they need to go back to the old version. Switched to maxwell house french roast as a back up.I only had one regular cup at normal strength. I will, however, exercise caution and use my best judgement. $34.99. I have a condition and have had for years...I need Senna Leaves EVERY day to perform. I forgot I had it. We bought a new one and still have the smell. Maybe there are fillers and quicker methods to meet demands that are cost effective. But i prefer chuck full o nuts. I assume they no longer use Arabica beans in their coffee because it definitely tastes totally different. I'am returning mine! I knew it could be too good to be true why i loved this product until i looked at the ingredients. Article I read in magazine said you get more caffine in medium brews. I wish I could have figured this out earlier, would have saved me from a lot of miserable days, lost work and doctor bills. These coffees were now tasting like chemical, wet cardboard AND upon opening a fresh can.... no coffee smell, just that same cardboard smell that ended up in my cup---YUK! 1. Only after I Google it, we knew. I am now seeking a replacement brand of coffee. Thanks. Thankfully I didn’t want any more coffee on such a sour stomach and surprise— I’m feeling much better today. I've been down with norovirus before and didn't feel THIS bad! At first I thought I brought the wrong blend, but none of the maxwell house taste the same anymore. Something needs to be done, ASAP! The quality was consistent from tin to tin. Wow--I Googled that Maxwell House coffee hurts my stomach and found this page! 2 days in and I'm stuck in the bathroom. I just purchased a can of Daily Brew coffee last week. Then tried Maxwell House Master Blend and it wasn't any better. Buy fresh roasted beans & let the roaster grind for you depending on how you brew, unless you want to grind yourself what you'll drink just prior to brewing. I ask my husband to give me his thought after I make coffee and he find it to be weak as well. Pepsi Bismol soothes upon contact. HONESTLY...i dont smoke....and i LIKE maxwell house. Maxwell House - Master Blend Ground Coffee 11.50-oz / SKU: 043000705902. Along with television advertising, Maxwell House used various print campaigns, always featuring the tagline "good to the last drop". It's been coming to this. Needless to say, I am pitching the rest. I mentioned my reaction to Maxwell House to the manager of a local coffee house, and she said it probably wasn't the coffee itself but rather the pesticides used in growing the beans. Find a local roastery! Was it my brewer? Here’s to you breadwinners, carpoolers and lunch-packers. Local roasters will also grind your coffee for you. I can drink other coffee with no problem. It wasn't "gourmet" coffee but it was good and tasted like coffee then--NOT anymore. Last year I discovered that maxwell house coffee was making me sick. ALSO important is your preferred roast level---some like medium roasts while others like dark to very roasts. Hate to say this to MH fans, but about 10 years ago I was at a Bob Evans and ordered coffee. Not sure what is going on with their coffee??? We went through a stint a few years ago where I humored him and we drank it all the time. agree with the other posters - I have been drinking Columbia Supreme for years and maybe six months ago, I noticed a change in its taste. Look for better coffees than parent cos Kraft and Smuckers offer. Americans cannot produce good coffee. I have blurred vision,low grade headache with some mild dizziness accompanied with stomach issues. So disappointed. We run a 24 hour "Kauphee-Bar" [live from 4 a.m. to 9 a.m.]--we thought at first we had 'bad aquifer water'-so we bought canned water--still badd! (good) Tim Hortons ( better) McDontalds ( OKay) but Maxwell house only smells like coffee when you open the Can. I can't believe they have so drastically changed a coffee that has been around for over a 100 years. Tried different half and half brands, didn't work. Jug '' O '' Maxwell House coffee for convenience but if this is not any more taste is.. 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