As love keeps its object enshrined in the imagination, and allows it never to be absent from the thoughts; so love to Jesus gives Him such a cheerful and continued presence in the mind, that as it gazes ever upon the image, it is changed into its likeness, for it strives to realize the life of Christ. (C. H. It was his desire that others, as well as they, might appreciate the wonders of redemption. Copyright © 2021, Bible Study Tools. “May be able to comprehend with all saints.”. Соединяя в этом деле всех святых, апостол указывает на выдающееся благо, которое те могут достичь в настоящей жизни: высшую премудрость, которой желают все чада Божии. A universal philanthropy is a passionless sentiment. (T. B. Yet, to sustain the point and emphasis, he repeats the article before each of the substantives. You may disagree with me on this and it's all right. Greek, “May be fully able.”. 4. they, together with the rest of the saints interested in it, Тот, кто ею обладает, имеет вполне достаточно. them to an exalted state in glory. This is very ingenious and entertaining: but what has it to do with Paul’s meaning? If so, then Paul prays that they. What a holy familiarity with Jesus do the words imply when we come to measurements of all kinds! The practical result of this mensuration. May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; That being rooted and grounded — That is, deeply fixed and firmly established, in love. Ephesians 3:18, in keeping with Ephesians’ effusive style, talks about knowing the breadth and length and height and depth, though the author doesn’t identify the reality about which the church will know such dimensions. The “may be strong” of the RV is a less happy rendering than usual, as it obscures the fact that the verb is different from that expressing the strengthened in Ephesians 3:16. Schmid, Michaelis, Morus, Koppe, and others, including Rückert, Matthies, Harless, Olshausen, Baumgarten-Crusius, de Wette, Bleek, holding that it attaches itself, with abnormal employment of case, predicatively to ἐν ταῖς καρδ. This exegesis is both violent and unnatural, puts an unusual sense upon καταλαβέσθαι, and treats τί τὸ πλάτος as if it were τὸ πλάτος τι. Spurgeon. The many modes of interpreting the several dimensions in the older expositors may be seen in Cornelius a Lapide and Calovius. I want to know where I am headed before I begin. The length of this redemption extends from the eternity of God’s foresight to the reconciliation of Ephesians 1:10. It carries the idea of personally taking mental possession” (Caldwell p. 145). 1. From what depths has He sought to rescue His wayward, erring children. IV. Commentary on Ephesians 3:1-7 (Read Ephesians 3:1-7 ) For having preached the doctrine of truth, the apostle was a prisoner, but a prisoner of Jesus Christ; the object of special protection and care, while thus suffering for him. In the Bible, the book of Ephesians (Ephesians 3:18) tells us the God’s love for us is so wide (spread arms wide) and long and high (reach arms as high as you can) and deep that it surpasses all of our knowledge. The “length” may suggest the duration of His love. “That ye might be filled,” etc. Our division of paragraphs clearly shows, we think, to what object these dimensions belong. The effect of the inward strengthening by the Spirit, or of the indwelling of Christ, is this confirmation of love; and the effect of the confirmation of love, is ability to comprehend (in our measure) the love of Christ. May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height. Indeed, it seems to be used this way in Revelation 20:9 "And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them." 1 John 4:7 ff.). you cannot have gone too deep for Christ’s love to reach you. “Master! “All manner of sin.”. Or rather: укорененные и утвержденные в любви Т.е. Keep there, eagles. κ. τεθεμ. Hence the many conjectures on the subject; e.g., that it is the Christian Church (Mich., Koppe, etc. Matthew 13:3 ff. Gentiles in their sin, in their idolatry? Breadth, and length, and depth, and height - namely, the full dimensions of the spiritual temple, answering to "the fullness of God" (Ephesians 3:19), to which the Church, according to its capacity, ought to correspond (cf. “With all the saints”: With all other Christians. Ye may comprehend - So far as an human mind is capable. (a) Stoop of Divine love, condescending to consider us, to commune with us, to receive us in love, to bear with our faults, and to take us up from our low estate. Увещевание о том, что полезно нам знать, и что Господь велит нам обдумывать со всех сторон: сверху и снизу, справа и слева, спереди и сзади. You would see me sit down again and maybe even take a nap. This quadriform mystery-sacramentum crucis-was explained by Augustine as signifying love in its breadth, hope in its height, patience in its length, and humility in its depth. Harless adopts the view of Chrysostom and Theophylact, and regards the clause as a condition—“Christ dwells in their heart, since they had been rooted in love.” But the clause, so changed, becomes a species of independent proposition, giving a marked prominence to the sense, and connected at once with the preceding context as its result, and with the following context as its starting idea-the perfect being used with propriety, and not the present. . elect, in all ages, places, and nations; and in its depth to p. 788). Так он наслаждается своей утонченностью. 8. And length — From everlasting to everlasting. широта и долгота, и глубина и высота Это не четыре различных свойства любви, а попытка вообразить ее бесконечность и полноту. Rev., better, apprehend: grasp. “What is the breadth and length and height and depth”: Of Jesus’ love for us (). "Great is thy mercy toward me, and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell," Psalms 86:13. The deep mines of sin and of alienation are all undermined and countermined by His love. 1. I can say to any Prayer of Manasseh, irrespective of his condition, the grace of God can reach you. In chapter2, He took Jew and Gentile and He's made them one in Christ; this is the purpose of God. Ephesians 4:10; Ephesians 4:13, concerning Christ. of This is the end of their being rooted and grounded in love, that they, together with the rest of the saints interested in it, might have a larger and more comprehensive view of. Он хочет сказать: тот, кому эта любовь полностью известна, обладает наивысшей мудростью. 1. Salem Media Group. The anatomist must be bound to nerves, and bones, and blood vessels, as the galley slave is bound to the oar, or he will never master his subject, The botanist must be enamoured of every flower, and wedded to every plant, or the fields will utterly bake him. By a prior invigoration they were disciplined to it, and braced up for it—“that ye may be fully able”-fully matched to the enterprise. The simplest answer is: to Chris’s love (Ephesians 3:19), and the connection found in that verse sustains this view. ἐν ἀγ. Paul prays, not that Christ may dwell in their hearts, but that he may dwell in their hearts as confirmed in love. As the lark soars and sings, and soars and sings, so shall we; but not as the lark, which soars aloft, but ever comes back to earth. The length of the love of Christ is the length of eternity, and out-measures all human sin. N.T. But to what do the words ἐν ἀγάπῃ describing the foundation refer? The aorist expresses the rapid passing of the act. De Wette, on the other hand, is wrong in appealing to Colossians 2:7, where, indeed, in the case of ἐῤῥιζωμένοι the having received Christ appears as having already preceded. Shall the infinite thus bow itself to man? At, being parenthetical, Paul’s mind reverts back to, the glorious churchly temple stands out in full view. Pulsford.). He therefore begins with the elementary information, and when they have learned simpler matters they are ready for the more difficult studies. And length - From everlasting to everlasting.And depth - Not to be fathomed by any creature. Следующие за тем ясные слова до сих пор затемнялись различными толкованиями. ), perhaps a tree (Matthew 7:17), and at the same time as a building. Mankind has many common characteristics. Then, in the next place, what is the length of the love of Christ? The, of this redemption extends from the eternity of God’s foresight to the reconciliation of, as profound as the perdition from which it rescues us; and its, as sublime as the heaven to which it raises us. What is the length of the purpose of God? ‘Breadth refers to the nations lying beside each other on the earth, over all of whom the love of Christ will extend itself; length, to the successive ages during which it will reach; depth, to the misery and corruption of sin, into which it will descend; height, to the glory at God’s throne and near His heart, to which it could elevate all’ (Braune). Matthies holds the same allusion, but refers it to the moral perfections of God. The point being, I want to comprehend the entire situation before I begin my planning. But there is nothing to warrant such an allusion here, or even to give it a mere probability. You would also know because of the smallness and the fullness of our house that within all this planning there is a planning of how to shuffle the furniture and in what order so as to move each piece a minimum amount of times and distance. 1. If you will kindly refer to the text you will see what this previous education is which the apostle desired for the saints. The old Greek commentators, as well as Erasmus and Grotius, refer it to our, is far back in the discourse, yet the thought, redemption, runs through its whole current. One would have expected a genitive of possession, if ἀγάπη were not predicated of the persons themselves-if it were not a feeling in their hearts. Keep there! Then again, what is the depth of that love? We cannot lay any stress on the dictum of Harless, that the omission of the article before the substantive proves it to be used in a subjective sense, and to signify our love to Christ. (C. H. [52] See App. The schoolmaster knows that they must have a rudimentary knowledge of arithmetic, or else to teach them algebra would be waste of time, and that they must have some acquaintance with common geometry, or it would be absurd to instruct them in surveying. The discovery of the Sinaitic manuscript leaves the weight of evidence in favor of the received order. That they might exhibit the effects of it in its constraining influence and constant peace (Romans 5:1-5). That ye may be strong (ινα εχισχυσητε — hina exischusēte). ἐῤῥιζ. ), The more we know the more are we conscious of our ignorance of that which is unknown, or, as Dr. Chalmers used to put it in his class--borrowing an illustration from his favourite mathematics--“The wider the diameter of light, the greater is the circumference of darkness.” The more a man knows, he comes at more points into contact with the unknown. able = fully able. Rom.- ῥιζῶσαι καὶ καταστῆσαι τὴν πόλιν; Sophocles, OEdip. But the context naturally suggests the love of Christ (Calv., Mey., Ell. Of all the things mentioned as the possible object of these words, people are unable to know the infinite dimensions of them; but Christ in our hearts can help us to understand how infinitely above people are the things of God. If you refuse to allow Christ to direct your life, if you spurn the opportunities to be strengthened by the Spirit"s revelation and if you are apathetic about loving God or other Christians more, then you will never really realize the greatness of His love. Bengel), which is at variance with the context; inasmuch as a temple is not spoken of either before or after ( τεθεμελιωμένοι … τὸ πλήρωμα τοῦ θεοῦ!). могли постигнуть Верующий не может понять полноту Божьей любви вне подлинной любви, которую Дух привносит в его собственную жизнь. Знание же это происходит от веры. Imagination can scarcely frame any satisfactory answer to this question. Part of what he prays for is “that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you . 1. Он ищет эту тайну в незнамо какой форме креста. The grace of God can reach anybody. 3. And height — Not to be reached by any enemy. Ephesians 3:18. ἐν ἀγάπῃ, in love) of Christ: Ephesians 3:19, note.— ἐῤῥιζωμένοι καὶ τεθεμελιωμένοι, rooted and founded [grounded]) The root is, of a tree—the foundation, of a house. Notice that the article is attached only to the first, breadth, all the rest being included under the one article; the intention being to exhibit the love of Christ in its entire dimension, and not to fix the mind on its constituent parts. I. But it is more natural to refer both words to the same general symbol, and indeed, the former term is applied to a building. The previous training required for this measurement. 3. The apostle prays further that they may have practical exercise in the art of holy love; “that ye being rooted and grounded in love.” Every experienced tutor knows that it is greatly helpful to the student to exercise him in his chosen pursuit upon some lower and inferior branch of it, so as to lead him gradually to the higher points of it. But I can measure His purpose and counsel with respect to the church. Its breadth is in design as broad as humanity; its depth as profound as the perdition from which it rescues us; and its height as sublime as the heaven to which it raises us. ὑμῶν. The Jews who have turned away from their Saviour and crucified Him? What follows is sufficiently clear in itself, but has hitherto been darkened by a variety of interpretations. It's broad enough in the purpose of God to bring you into the body of Christ and make you a joint heir with Him, a fellow-heir with Jew and Gentile. Then, when you go to chapter three, verses Ephesians 3:9-10, He's going to teach all created intelligences the wonderful wisdom of God. (Witham) --- What, &c. This thought seems borrowed from Job xi: "Peradventure thou wilt comprehend the steps of God, and wilt find out the Almighty perfectly." 18 may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, Thus, Herodot. Thus resemblance to Jesus, devotion to Him, and growth in grace, as the elements and means of spiritual advancement, are intimately connected with love as their living basis. Sub-final clause again with ινα — hina and the first aorist active subjunctive of εχισχυω — exischuō a late and rare compound (from εχ ισχυω — exκαταλαβεσται — ischuō) to have full strength. They can see that it is high enough to raise both Jews and Gentiles into the heavenly places. 4. But Christ’s love is deep though it be wide, and suffers no diminution because it is shared amongst a multitude. (d) Boundless love, in length exceeding our length of sin, suffering, backsliding, age, or temptation. The design is to comprehend-. This implies a sense of the reality of the matter. As all the stars lie in the firmament, so all creatures rest in the heaven of His love. "I know you did it ignorantly," he said, "but you crucified the Lord of glory. As subsidiary to this, and the most essential part of it, he adds, “and to know the love of Christ” (Ephesians 3:19). ), the mystery of the Cross (Est. Look forward, and forward, and forward, and you shall never see the termination of it, for it is also “to everlasting.” Through the whole of your journey, however long continued it may be, you shall find His love with you. Alford somewhat similarly supposes that the genitive is left indefinite—“every dimension of all that God has revealed or done in or for us.” This is certainly better than any of the previous explanations. Krüger, § 56, 9, 4; Winer, § 63, 2. Job 11:7-9. The supplement in this case appears to be far-fetched, and there is no allusion in the context to any such theme; the mystery referred to in Ephesians 3:4-10 being the admission of the Gentiles into the church, and not the scheme of grace in its wide and glorious aspects. The depth of this love is seen in raising sinners from condemnation and hell (Psalms 40:2-3; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Of what? Any Christian may pray for the presence of God, and what is his indwelling but the manifestation of his presence? Christ’s church is large enough to contain all the believers of all the nations; and it is so firmly built that it can never be destroyed, but will extend into Eternity!!!”. How shall we grasp its breadth, compute its length, explore its depth, and scan its height? 2. But to be forthright it is also used of width in Revelation 21:16 "And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. But no single soul is capable of comprehending the love of Christ, for the vision and experience of each is limited, and in morals we are members one of another. The apostle desires that when the love of Christ becomes to us a solid reality we may have close communion with it. It is also the view of Theophylact and OEcumenius, followed by Beza, Bullinger, Piscator, Zanchius, Crocius, Crellius, Calovius, Rückert, Meier, Harless, Baumgarten-Crusius, and Olshausen. He would say, “Surely it begins here!” But saints would remind him of yet older words of comfort, and he would fly on till he stopped outside of the garden of Eden and heard the Lord say, “The Seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent’s head.” “Surely,” saith he, “it began here.” But, divinely instructed, he would go back yet further, even to the eternal councils where first of all salvation was planned and contrived in the cabinets of wisdom before the world was. the Fathers in Suicer’s Thes. And I wonder if your answer, what you find, will be what I have found. He sees you in the ages to come, showing forth the riches of His grace and the wonders of His wisdom. [Note: See Barclay, p155, for a slightly different interpretation of the meaning of these dimensions.]. The important question is: To what object does the Apostle refer? In this verse, Paul says a prayer for the Ephesians. Like a wise and enlightened teacher, Paul desires for the saints that they should receive that previous education which is necessary before they will be able to enter upon such a science as the measurement of Christ’s love. “The preposition has the force of fully or eminently” (Vincent p. 384). “May be strong”: “May be able to comprehend” (NASV). in the beginning of the chapter; or of the spiritual building, What must this be? One mighty intellect of Newton may sketch the plan of the solar system; one Laplace may demonstrate its permanent equilibrium; one Herschel map out the nebulae of the southern sky; one Dalton unfold the laws of atomic combination; one Darwin assign the clue to the partial unfolding of the mystery of successive lives in nature. A Syllepsis(49) precedes, which must thus be explained: that you may have Christ dwelling in you, being rooted, comp. Every Christian may know the greatest mysteries of Christ and obtain the fullest prize awarded to the faithful (1 Corinthians 9:24)” (Caldwell p. 145). So we have the three dimensions of a solid here--breadth, length, and depth. The breadth is seen in reaching out Divine mercy to sinners who are far off from God (Isaiah 65:1; Isaiah 45:22). CHAPTER 3. translation. I'm going to ask you to take chapters one, two, and three and read them through and find out what is the breadth of the purpose of God and the length and the depth and the height. already Photius in Oecumenius. But, as Eadie justly objects, the Greek conjunction used by St. Paul does not thus unite two clauses co-ordinately. Such a view is quite as capricious as any of the preceding, for the wisdom of God is not a prominent topic either in this prayer or in the preceding context, where it is only once, though vividly, introduced. That is to say, the topmost thing in the universe, the shining apex and summit, glittering away up there in the radiant unsetting light, is the love of God in Jesus Christ. It is for the increase and ascendancy of this grace through the indwelling of Christ, till it sustains and strengthens the whole inner man, so that the believer may stand as a well rooted tree or as a well founded building, that the apostle here prays. We have a right to say, “He loves all, therefore He loves me.” And we have a right to say, “He loves me, therefore He loves all.” For surely the love that has stooped to me can never pass by any human soul. 6. breadth  …  length  …  depth  …  height — namely, the full dimensions of the spiritual temple, answering to “the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19), to which the Church, according to its capacity, ought to correspond (compare Ephesians 4:10, Ephesians 4:13) as to “the fullness of Christ.” The “breadth” implies Christ‘s world-wide love, embracing all men: the “length,” its being extended through all ages (Ephesians 3:21); the “depth,” its profound wisdom which no creature can fathom (Romans 11:33); the “height,” its being beyond the reach of any foe to deprive us of (Ephesians 4:8) [Bengel]. I prefer to understand “the breadth,” etc., to refer to the whole of the vast mystery of free salvation in Christ for all, Gentile and Jew alike, of which Paul had been speaking (Ephesians 3:3-9), and of which he now prays they may have a fuller comprehension. What more can be imagined? (189) Of what, however, are these dimensions predicated? Thus the aim of the two preceding parallel infinitive clauses is expressed, and the emphatically prefixed ἐν ἀγ. The meaning is, that his love should be as firm in our hearts, as a tree is in the soil, whose roots strike deep into the earth. The imagination of the Fathers, Augustine, Gregory Nyss., Jerome and others, ran riot in the endeavour to find some distinctive, spiritual meaning in each of the four things here named, the shape of the Cross, e.g., being supposed to be signified (Estius), the Divinity of Christ being found in the figure of the height, His human nature in the depth, the extent of the Apostolic Commission in the length and breadth, etc. Opinion of Ambrose, that it is not only without beginning, but our plant renown... Intensity of human affection varies inversely as its extension other than the opinion of Ambrose that! - θεθεμεΠ» ιωμένοι tethemeliōmenoi- “founded” - as a plant ( comp mysticism, that is,. A tree ( Matthew 7:17 ), well may St. Paul does not agree ὑμῶν! John 13:1 ; Psalms 89:33 ) its depth, and becomes incarnate ; endures our sorrows ; bears sins. [ 347 ] [ 349 ] [ 346 ], and length and height of it its! To warrant such an allusion in all its width and length, & c. ] God ’ s love ''... 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