Are you looking for more delicious, vegan recipes? Once the water is boiling, pour in the rinsed rice … Buckwheat 4. (a.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",n,!1),e.addEventListener("load",n,!1)):(e.attachEvent("onload",n),a.attachEvent("onreadystatechange",function(){"complete"===a.readyState&&t.readyCallback()})),(r=t.source||{}).concatemoji?d(r.concatemoji):r.wpemoji&&r.twemoji&&(d(r.twemoji),d(r.wpemoji)))}(window,document,window._wpemojiSettings); } Vegan Iron-Rich Kale Tahini Rice Bowl This dish may be vegan, but it's packed with protein. Your email address will not be published. } Woven Bamboo Material, (For a more tender grain, add 1/2 cup water and cook until absorbed.) $form_success = jQuery('#optin_link_form_success' + link_id); The long grain rice in this recipe is cooked with a blend of coconut milk and water. } ${ $; } lastEvent = e; } opt_ajax_new_tab(data); }else{ Rinse the rice thoroughly and drain. } $form_processing.fadeIn(); I love Japanese cuisine, from sushi to rice bowls and ramen, because they’re all unique and delicious in their own ways. Slice the mushrooms and set aside. Crisp tofu bites are perched atop nori-flecked sushi rice for a comforting meal in a bowl. $form.hide(); $form.hide(); Try these nut butters with lime juice instead of rice vinegar for a nice Thai style flare. Farro 6. To make the pea purée, bring a … Fill them with colourful curries on top of rice or noodles and even fruit smoothies. opt_set_cookie(data); },3*1000*redirect_mult); We want a meal that’s healthy-ish, but also satisfying and comforting. } $; Naturally Ella is full of delicious, colorful vegetarian recipes. Use chopsticks to vigorously stir the egg into the rice until the egg is fully incorporated and the mixture turns pale yellow. Serve it with a creamy cashew sauce for even more flavor! I’m Jeeca, a 22-year old vegan who’s passionate about helping the animals and this planet we live in. if(typeof(data['error']) !== 'undefined' ){ return true; For my vegan version of Katsudon, I used some tofu to create the katsu. }); For my vegan version of Katsudon, I used some tofu to create the katsu. vertical-align: -0.1em !important; $form_redirect_link.css('cursor','pointer'); 'split_test_item_id':split_test_item_id} Feb 10, 2020 - Delicious rice bowl recipes and serving ideas and suggestions. [CDATA[ */ }else if(typeof(data['optin_no_redirect']) !== 'undefined'){ opt_set_cookie(data); document.cookie = $'cookie_name') + '=' + $'cookie') + '; expires=' + expires.toUTCString() + '; path=/;'; } ';}_this.text(dots);var dir ='dir');if(typeof(dir)=='undefined'){dir=1;}if(num > 3){dir = -1;}if(num < 0){dir = 1;}num += dir;'num',num);'dir',dir);},250); Mix well and cook until the sugar has dissolved. return true; } Donburi in Japanese translates to “bowl,” and is any dish served over rice (and, true to its name, generally in an oversized bowl). /*function opt_find_value(id) Garnish with extra nori, sesame seeds, and green onions (if using). $form_error.hide(); }); Mushroom Tempura Rice Bowl with Avocado & Spicy Marinated Carrots. window.setInterval(function(){var _this = jQuery('#optin_link_process_dots' + link_id);var num ='num');if(typeof(num)=='undefined'){num=0;}var dots='';for(var i =0;i */ Yakiniku donburi, or yakiniku don, is a simple Japanese dish of grilled beef and vegetables served over a bed of rice in a bowl. $opt_cur_form_container = jQuery('#optin_link_form_container' + link_id); var opt_facebook_logged_in = false; When everything has been coated in sauce, turn off the heat and serve on a bowl of steaming rice. var authed = false; 'visitor_cookie' : dwpc_visitor_id, pkg. Marinate 10 to 15 minutes, stirring once or twice. Heat oil in a wok or deep frying pan. redirect_mult = 2; wakame, rice wine vinegar, cooked prawns, wasabi, avocado, fish and 9 more. }else{ valid_form_details = valid_form_details && opt_check_elem('opt_custom_dob_'+link_id); $form_success_image = jQuery('#optin_link_success_image' + link_id); 'links_id' : link_id, $form_success_image = jQuery('#optin_link_success_image' + link_id); How To Make A Grain-Free Japanese Salad Bowl. $'clicked',false); Add … We’re big fans of meals in bowls over here on Fit Foodie Finds. 'link_tracking_id' : $'opt_link_tracking_id'), Take the tofu out from the oil then turn off the heat. Serve immediately. Place some noodles in each soup bowl. To make this salad bowl grain-free, replace the brown rice with … } } window.location = opt_redir_url; 'tracking_type' : 'Click'}, Cut carrot into … if(opt_element_exists('opt_custom_zip_'+link_id)){ Pour the mixture over the cooked rice and set aside for 15 minutes. Pour the mixture over the cooked rice and set aside for 15 minutes. To serve, divide Sushi Rice among six large soup bowls. return false; } border: none !important; window.setTimeout(function(){ var valid_form_details = true; /*if($name.val() === "" || !opt_rgxemvd( $email.val() ) ){ "); The creamy coconut rice is topped with some toasted nuts and voilà--an easy side dish that pairs well with any number of entrees. 5. Woven Bamboo Material, Your email address will not be published. } } else { jQuery.ajax(opt_ajaxurl,{'dataType' : 'json', if(typeof($form_waiting)!=='undefined'){ This Vegan Poke Bowl is a winner for midweek dinner! Transfer rice to bowl, and stir in vinegar, sugar, and salt. var clicked = $'clicked'); $name = jQuery('#optin_link_form_name'+ link_id); $email = jQuery('#optin_link_form_email'+ link_id); Garnish with green onions, cherry tomatoes, sesame seeds, and cilantro to bring color … This Asian rice bowl recipe is versatile and perfect for times like now when many of us have limited ingredients or are cooking from our pantry and freezer. 'visitor_cookie' : dwpc_visitor_id, if($obj.length == 0){return false;} Drain water from the tofu by using a. Yakiniku donburi, or yakiniku don, is a simple Japanese dish of grilled beef and vegetables served over a bed of rice in a bowl. return true; customs.push('state'); $form_error = jQuery('#optin_link_form_error' + link_id); jQuery.ajax(opt_ajaxurl,{'dataType' : 'json', var opt_cf_href = ''; $form_error = jQuery('#optin_link_form_error' + link_id); $form_waiting = jQuery('#optin_link_form_waiting'+$'link_id')).show(); function opt_ajax_no_redirect(data){ Return the tofu to the pan and add the ginger. Turn off heat. jQuery('#optin_link_form_button'+link_id).hide(); Add the tofu and cook for 1-2 mins, until crisp. } } $opt_cur_form_container.fadeOut(); window.setTimeout(function(){ Packed with veggies, mushrooms, and plant-based protein, these vegan Vegetable Gyoza are brimming with so much umami, even a meat-lover will gobble them up. function opt_form_close(link_id,split_test_item_id){ } I’ve veganized my fair share of Japanese dishes and this time around I made my own vegan version of the famous Katsudon, which is basically katsu or pork cutlet over rice. var winHeight = jQuery(window).height(); This donburi (Japanese rice bowl) takes some chopping, but once the prep is done it comes together quickly and easily. 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